Welcome to Electric Encino, the blog for Encino Village. This isn't my blog; it's for all of us who attended tonight's meeting, and anyone else in the neighborhood who wants to post info, ask or answer a question, vent (politely; no flaming please, or I'll take down the blog), and otherwise get the word out - whatever the word is. I'm hoping this will also be a vehicle for Councilman Smith's office and our SLO to keep us informed and alert.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the "comments" section below; that's the most immediate way to participate. Posting is easy: anyone who wants to post is welcome to do so. When I get a minute, I'll set up an email address for correspondance about the blog. Meanwhile, anyone who wants to post should contact me (here's a link to my email) for the password and go to it. (Update: the link now points to the email address I set up: encinoblogger@gmail.com.)
Since it's my soapbox right now, I'm just gonna say this: I hope that the energy that we all had tonight at the meeting can go forward and create a lasting neighborhood bond. In my time in Encino Village, I've seen other efforts to build a community here fail: other SLOs have come and gone; other bright young city council reps have drifted off to the service of more unified and vocal neighborhood associations. Let's keep this going, and try to do one small thing first; parking regulation on Louise is a good place to start. If we can see that through, then we'll do one more thing, and then another. After a while, we'll have built a neighborhood.
Good evening.
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