...to those who responded to the last couple of posts, and for the offers of help. The thing is, I don't run Encino; just this blog. This blog is my voice, at least for now, but the idea is that we all work on this stuff together. There don't need to be Indians and chiefs; we can all be either or both at any time.
So - who has an idea?
Monday, December 25, 2006
My Christmas present to you...
I've deleted the link to Eddie Bernard's site. The site was open only by registration; there was no useful content that was publicly accessible, so it kinda looks, to me anyway, like a vehicle for harvesting email addresses for pitching.
The thing is, I like Eddie and he definitely has the best houses in the village in his inventory. I'd have no problem working with him on either side of a transaction, and he seems to have a good rep. I just don't like boilerplate sites that add to the advertising jungle.
And it's my blog so I can do what I want to do.
Well, that was then - a half-hour ago. This is now, and the link table was pretty much swallowed by the new template design. About that - I was mucking around with the HTML of the site this morning. I'm a big fan of web-designer and author Dan Cederholm and I noticed that Blogger has some templates he designed in their new collection, and so - the new look of Electric Encino. I'll have to rebuild the links table, so if anyone has any links they think should be included, let me know. Keep in mind that I'm looking for community-based sites, not ads. If you want to build your own site or blog to promote your biz (and you should), go for it.
Any thoughts on the re-design are welcome also.
The thing is, I like Eddie and he definitely has the best houses in the village in his inventory. I'd have no problem working with him on either side of a transaction, and he seems to have a good rep. I just don't like boilerplate sites that add to the advertising jungle.
And it's my blog so I can do what I want to do.
Well, that was then - a half-hour ago. This is now, and the link table was pretty much swallowed by the new template design. About that - I was mucking around with the HTML of the site this morning. I'm a big fan of web-designer and author Dan Cederholm and I noticed that Blogger has some templates he designed in their new collection, and so - the new look of Electric Encino. I'll have to rebuild the links table, so if anyone has any links they think should be included, let me know. Keep in mind that I'm looking for community-based sites, not ads. If you want to build your own site or blog to promote your biz (and you should), go for it.
Any thoughts on the re-design are welcome also.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
You should be reading LA Observed.com
Thanks to those who thanked me for the "It's A Wonderful Life" post, but you really should thank Kevin Roderick by making LA Observed.com part of you daily reading, especially if you're into doings at the rapidly downsizing and deteriorating LA Times. Roderick always has the inside scoop.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Every time a bell rings...
The film's mythical Bedford Falls covered four acres of the ranch north of Burbank Boulevard between Balboa and Louise. The trees lining the streets? Encino oaks, transplanted for the film. For the autumn scenes the leaves were knocked off, and for the winter scenes where Stewart stumbles through the snowy town, the trees were coated with white plaster...
What film? Why, none other than "It's A Wonderful Life," Frank Capra's postwar postcard and wakeup call to America. Turns out the Village was once the RKO backlot. We're treading where James Stewart, Donna Reed and Ward Bond once worked. This info from Kevin Roderick's essential LA Observed blog, which is the encinoblogger's first read each morning and frequent diversion during the day. You'll learn more about what's really going on in the city from this site and the sites it links to than anywhere else I've found. Also lots of valley-specific history and info at Valley Observed. Roderick's a local boy and collects a lot of valleyana there. I'm not, but I've learned a lot from this site and Roderick's SF Valley book. Check them out.
What film? Why, none other than "It's A Wonderful Life," Frank Capra's postwar postcard and wakeup call to America. Turns out the Village was once the RKO backlot. We're treading where James Stewart, Donna Reed and Ward Bond once worked. This info from Kevin Roderick's essential LA Observed blog, which is the encinoblogger's first read each morning and frequent diversion during the day. You'll learn more about what's really going on in the city from this site and the sites it links to than anywhere else I've found. Also lots of valley-specific history and info at Valley Observed. Roderick's a local boy and collects a lot of valleyana there. I'm not, but I've learned a lot from this site and Roderick's SF Valley book. Check them out.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The blog is alive; it's Encino that's dead...
A few people have asked me lately what's going on with this space and the various efforts to spiff up the neighborhood. This space is alive, though I've been busy with work and various other things for a few months; it's the will to move on with things in the neighborhood that's (apparently) dead. The intention here was to have a means of communication; there's been little of note about the Village to communicate.
The main thing for me is that there has been very little response to either this blog or the various flyers that the encinodogger and I put on doors last summer, and it gets tiring, all this crying out in the wilderness. Most of the email addresses I got at the meeting last February are garbage. They're either not valid, or so spam-blocked that my emails won't go through, so it's hard to know who's actually reading this. A place to begin: email to me your (valid and not-spam-blocked please) email address. Also, as you can see, there aren't a lot of comments on the blog, let alone people interested in posting here. BTW, commenting is easy; you don't have to be a geek to do it, so give it a try. You can also email me here.
I never saw any action or offers that were acted on about landscaping the Louise strip, or any of the other beautification efforts, so I'm assuming there's no enthusiasm for any of that. These changes can't happen without expertise, money and stuff - trees, dirt, tools, planning. Got any of that? If so, let's do it. By this, I mean actually get it done. I know that there are people who'd love to get involved with projects. I think we're just having trouble getting the ball rolling.
There was a Neighborhood Watch meeting last night (Tuesday 12/5), which I could not attend. Barbara at encinowatch.com is still doing a great job of keeping that channel open, and our SLO, officer Trulick remains helpful and responsive.
One positive: The petition to limit parking on Louise is with the city. How long that may take to turn around is anyone's guess.
Meanwhile, enjoy this time of the year. Kiss your children and hold them close; call your old friends and wish them well. Sing the songs and eat the foods that go with whatever holiday you may celebrate.
Any ideas on how to get things happening are welcome. Email me at encinoblogger@gmail.com.
The main thing for me is that there has been very little response to either this blog or the various flyers that the encinodogger and I put on doors last summer, and it gets tiring, all this crying out in the wilderness. Most of the email addresses I got at the meeting last February are garbage. They're either not valid, or so spam-blocked that my emails won't go through, so it's hard to know who's actually reading this. A place to begin: email to me your (valid and not-spam-blocked please) email address. Also, as you can see, there aren't a lot of comments on the blog, let alone people interested in posting here. BTW, commenting is easy; you don't have to be a geek to do it, so give it a try. You can also email me here.
I never saw any action or offers that were acted on about landscaping the Louise strip, or any of the other beautification efforts, so I'm assuming there's no enthusiasm for any of that. These changes can't happen without expertise, money and stuff - trees, dirt, tools, planning. Got any of that? If so, let's do it. By this, I mean actually get it done. I know that there are people who'd love to get involved with projects. I think we're just having trouble getting the ball rolling.
There was a Neighborhood Watch meeting last night (Tuesday 12/5), which I could not attend. Barbara at encinowatch.com is still doing a great job of keeping that channel open, and our SLO, officer Trulick remains helpful and responsive.
One positive: The petition to limit parking on Louise is with the city. How long that may take to turn around is anyone's guess.
Meanwhile, enjoy this time of the year. Kiss your children and hold them close; call your old friends and wish them well. Sing the songs and eat the foods that go with whatever holiday you may celebrate.
Any ideas on how to get things happening are welcome. Email me at encinoblogger@gmail.com.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
It's a busy time...
...for the encinoblogger just now. It's time to get the encinodaughter off to college, there's some paying work to be done, and tomatoes in the garden that need picking. While there is blogging to be blogged, it's going to have to wait for a week or ten days more; then I'll be back up to speed.
Just a note, though: The encinoblogger would like to stay that - simply "the encinoblogger" - in this space. If you know my name, leave it off this space or any other 'net places where you may hang out. I want to avoid any flame wars or other conflicts. Inevitably, someone will disagree with something here, and I'd like to keep that out of my personal life if possible. You're free to disgree in print as much as you like; I welcome debate, I just want to leave the debate in cyberspace.
Thanks for understanding...
Meanwhile, there's a swell new blog up regarding the village's history and efforts to promote and preserve same. You can find it here (http://encinovillageheritageassociation.blogspot.com/ ).
I'd like to see someone posting or commenting (btw, thanks to John Bwarie)about the efforts to plant behind the wall. Does no one have a thought about this?
Just a note, though: The encinoblogger would like to stay that - simply "the encinoblogger" - in this space. If you know my name, leave it off this space or any other 'net places where you may hang out. I want to avoid any flame wars or other conflicts. Inevitably, someone will disagree with something here, and I'd like to keep that out of my personal life if possible. You're free to disgree in print as much as you like; I welcome debate, I just want to leave the debate in cyberspace.
Thanks for understanding...
Meanwhile, there's a swell new blog up regarding the village's history and efforts to promote and preserve same. You can find it here (http://encinovillageheritageass
I'd like to see someone posting or commenting (btw, thanks to John Bwarie)about the efforts to plant behind the wall. Does no one have a thought about this?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
As promised...
...news of the new "Encino Community Improvement Organization." We met last night, the agenda being limited to projects that would update the physical appearence of the nabe. Such as:
To Babbitt Ave. residents, and others who back up to Louise Ave.:
If we are able to secure plants (we're thinking oleanders, but open to suggestions) for the parkway between the wall and the street, they will need to be watered and somewhat tended until they are established. How will we keep them watered? This will require community action of some kind...
Please email encinoville@gmail.com or comment below.
- Spiffing up the (former) Oak Tree island at Louise and Ventura
- Extending the planted divider on Ventura near Plaza de Oro to "Chli's" restaurant
- Removing the moribund newsstand next to Auto Steigler
- Landscaping and cleaning-up the east side of Louise between Burbank and Oxnard
To Babbitt Ave. residents, and others who back up to Louise Ave.:
If we are able to secure plants (we're thinking oleanders, but open to suggestions) for the parkway between the wall and the street, they will need to be watered and somewhat tended until they are established. How will we keep them watered? This will require community action of some kind...
- Are you willing to install a drip sprinkler for the new plants at your expense?
- Can you hang your hose over the wall twice a week to water the plants
- Should we just go #$%$&^% ourselves; this isn't worth the trouble
Please email encinoville@gmail.com or comment below.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
News from Neighnorhood Watch
Some of you will find a flyer with Neighborhood Watch news on your doorstep tonight (Sunday). The encinodogger 
and I took it around and dropped it at selected houses, especially those of residents who have expressed a wish to be involved in the nabe. Though this is the first issue that I remember seeing, at least for quite some time, I think the organizers of this now know that we in the "south of Hatteras" sector are interested and involved with Encino Village life.
The bad news is that our SLO has not set up a future meeting for the neighborhood, though the other areas covered in the brochure seem to have a regular schedule. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but if you're concerned, or just want to get more involved, give him - officer Rob Trulik - a call at 818 374.7637, or drop an email to 32326@lapd.lacity.org. In my experience, he's shown himself to be a good guy and responsive to our needs and requests. Notice that the large commercial trucks have, for the most part, disappeared from Louise Ave., due largely to Ofc. Trulik's citing efforts. And you haven't seen anyone messing with the trash on Thursday mornings either, thanks again to him.
In other news, there's an effort afoot to organize a new group to deal largely with neighborhood beautification efforts. They're meeting Tuesday, so more news after that.

The bad news is that our SLO has not set up a future meeting for the neighborhood, though the other areas covered in the brochure seem to have a regular schedule. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but if you're concerned, or just want to get more involved, give him - officer Rob Trulik - a call at 818 374.7637, or drop an email to 32326@lapd.lacity.org. In my experience, he's shown himself to be a good guy and responsive to our needs and requests. Notice that the large commercial trucks have, for the most part, disappeared from Louise Ave., due largely to Ofc. Trulik's citing efforts. And you haven't seen anyone messing with the trash on Thursday mornings either, thanks again to him.
In other news, there's an effort afoot to organize a new group to deal largely with neighborhood beautification efforts. They're meeting Tuesday, so more news after that.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
We've done it...
Well, at least we've started to do it. Thanks to Josh and Richard, we walked the petition around the neighborhood and garnered quite a few signatures. Since we only need two-thirds of the affected properties to sign on, it should be pretty easy to qualify this. How long it will take the city to actually put up the signs is another story altogether, I'm sure.
A couple of the old-timers in the neighborhood recalled to me how many times this has been tried before; apparently we're not breaking any new ground here, but we're actually doing something.
Thing is - it's a beginning. If you're new to the blog, or even if you're not, please comment or email me. If you want to post, or even start your own damn blog, I'll help you do that too.
Get involved; be part of the solution.
And to all that helped, signed, and leant their experience: thanks.
A couple of the old-timers in the neighborhood recalled to me how many times this has been tried before; apparently we're not breaking any new ground here, but we're actually doing something.
Thing is - it's a beginning. If you're new to the blog, or even if you're not, please comment or email me. If you want to post, or even start your own damn blog, I'll help you do that too.
Get involved; be part of the solution.
And to all that helped, signed, and leant their experience: thanks.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
Greetings from beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I'm again closing in on a living. It's hot and rainy here. The rain cools off things nicely, though, as does the beer. But, I digress...
Obviously, there was no petitioning last week. In fact, Maritza pulled out of the whole thing on Saturday, due to personal pressures. Yes, that was kinda last minute, and this is the first chance I've had to plan a new path. So - we begin again. I now have all the petitions, and I'd like to walk the neighborhood on Monday. With the holiday there should be a lot of people at home. and they may be drunk enough to actually open the door for us.
This is a call for volunteers: if you can do this Monday in the early eve, please enter a comment below, or email me. The thing is - if we're to do this, we need to do this, y'know? If Monday isn't good, let's plan another night, but soon.
Obviously, there was no petitioning last week. In fact, Maritza pulled out of the whole thing on Saturday, due to personal pressures. Yes, that was kinda last minute, and this is the first chance I've had to plan a new path. So - we begin again. I now have all the petitions, and I'd like to walk the neighborhood on Monday. With the holiday there should be a lot of people at home. and they may be drunk enough to actually open the door for us.
This is a call for volunteers: if you can do this Monday in the early eve, please enter a comment below, or email me. The thing is - if we're to do this, we need to do this, y'know? If Monday isn't good, let's plan another night, but soon.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A Reminder...
I'm in the bay Area today, making a much-needed living, but I wanted to remind all that it's time to get those parking petitions out. We're still looking at Monday and/or Tuesday (26,27th), so reply here or contact Maritza to volunteer.
What about the landscaping? Any ideas? I've got the beer on ice, so let's get it done.
What about the landscaping? Any ideas? I've got the beer on ice, so let's get it done.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
News!!! (finally)
Maritza Beaudine has the parking petitions in hand, though she will need help to circulate them. She has next Monday and Tuesday in the early evening (June 26 and/or 27) in mind. Mrs. Encinoblogger had originally planned to help out with this, but she has a foot injury that may preclude this amount of walking. She may indeed be healed by then, but, in any case, we could use volunteers. We will need to cover all the houses that back up to Louise. This is a moderately big job, but it's something that can be easily done with a few people.
Please email the encinoblogger or reply in the comment space here to sign up. And please tell your neighbors to open their doors for us when we come around. Let's get this done.
Also, is anyone interested in a planting program for the parkway on the east side of Louise? Ideas and connections for getting cheap - uh, free - plants are needed. A few of us can do the labor (I'll bring the beer), but it would be great to get the stock donated. There may be help from the city available; in fact I'm hoping the councilman's office is reading this space and will step up on this. Email or comments below.
Please email the encinoblogger or reply in the comment space here to sign up. And please tell your neighbors to open their doors for us when we come around. Let's get this done.
Also, is anyone interested in a planting program for the parkway on the east side of Louise? Ideas and connections for getting cheap - uh, free - plants are needed. A few of us can do the labor (I'll bring the beer), but it would be great to get the stock donated. There may be help from the city available; in fact I'm hoping the councilman's office is reading this space and will step up on this. Email or comments below.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
New Comment policy: Anyone's welcome!
I've decided to throw open the Comments section to anyone from now on. You no longer have to register with Blogger to post a comment, although you might want to register anyway, just so you can start your own blog. I know that some people were uncomfortable with the whole registration routine, so now you can comment to your heart's content.
Mi blog es su blog.
Mi blog es su blog.
Disaster Preparedness meeting : The Summary
There was a fair turnout for tonight's meeting, probably around 150 people. The main points: you need lots of practical food, lots of water, lots of supplies. Flashlights, batteries, fie extinguishers, radios, blankets, pet food, kitty litter, plastic bags for the kitty litter (hint: it's not just for kitties anymore...). Aside from the Mr. Rogers-like approach ("Who can tell me how many policemen are in Los Angeles?") the main message delivered by experts from the city's Disaster Preparedness board, the LAFD and a particularly dour FBI agent was - you're on your own if it comes down. You need to be able to take care of yourself for at least a week.
We all saw after Katrina that you can't count on government help any time soon, so you'd better be able to survive until things settle down. We all know this, of course, but we act like it's not so. We nod sagely and vow to get to it, but do we? I don't know about you, but I've had kits in my house, cars and office for a long time, and I'm going to see this weekend that everything is fresh and functioning. When was the last tme you checked the batteries in your radio (you do have a battery-powered radio, don't you?) and rotated out the old Cliff bars for some fresh stock? Now's the time.
We all saw after Katrina that you can't count on government help any time soon, so you'd better be able to survive until things settle down. We all know this, of course, but we act like it's not so. We nod sagely and vow to get to it, but do we? I don't know about you, but I've had kits in my house, cars and office for a long time, and I'm going to see this weekend that everything is fresh and functioning. When was the last tme you checked the batteries in your radio (you do have a battery-powered radio, don't you?) and rotated out the old Cliff bars for some fresh stock? Now's the time.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Disaster Preparedness meeting on Thursday night...
There will be a Disaster Preparedness Community Meeting on Thursday, June 1st at
Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Free emergency preparedness starter kit per family plus QuakeHold Museum Putty. This is part of a citywide effort to prepare every community for any disaster. Speakers from the FBI, L.A. Fire and Police Departments will offer survival techniques to help you and your family prepare for earthquakes, fires, and terrorist attacks. We need to be prepared to survive on our own, as outside help might not be available. Please plan to attend and please tell your neighbors.
Thank you for your help.
Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Free emergency preparedness starter kit per family plus QuakeHold Museum Putty. This is part of a citywide effort to prepare every community for any disaster. Speakers from the FBI, L.A. Fire and Police Departments will offer survival techniques to help you and your family prepare for earthquakes, fires, and terrorist attacks. We need to be prepared to survive on our own, as outside help might not be available. Please plan to attend and please tell your neighbors.
Thank you for your help.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Show of hands...
...if you knew about the Neighborhood Watch meeting tonight (Tuesday 6/30). Yeah; that's what I thought.
I found out at literally the last possible minute, thanks to an email from Barbara Hand. She works tirelessly to promote community action and safety, but it takes more than one person if we're going to organize anything. At any rate, I decided to change my plans for the evening and got right to the meeting. Officer Trulick, who is obviously serious about being available and involved, discussed recent crime activity in the area, and gave tips on how to secure our houses and cars. Various questions were asked and answered, some quite relevant, and some kinda...uh, puzzling.
That's OK; I think the main value of these meetings (don't we know that we need to lock our doors, and not let the mail pile up while we're away?) is that we look around and see that others are interested in getting involved with the neighborhood. When we see that we're part of something, that in itself justifies the effort. If I know that you're going to show up, it's more likely that I'll show up the next time.
I'm hoping that it won't be too long before we hit the streets with the parking petition. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't even come the door these days for various reasons, so I'll try to email or do leaflets a few days before to remind people that we'll be coming over. Please open your doors when we knock. That's a good start.
If you want to be added to the email list, please leave a comment in the "Comments" space below. And tell your neighbors.
I found out at literally the last possible minute, thanks to an email from Barbara Hand. She works tirelessly to promote community action and safety, but it takes more than one person if we're going to organize anything. At any rate, I decided to change my plans for the evening and got right to the meeting. Officer Trulick, who is obviously serious about being available and involved, discussed recent crime activity in the area, and gave tips on how to secure our houses and cars. Various questions were asked and answered, some quite relevant, and some kinda...uh, puzzling.
That's OK; I think the main value of these meetings (don't we know that we need to lock our doors, and not let the mail pile up while we're away?) is that we look around and see that others are interested in getting involved with the neighborhood. When we see that we're part of something, that in itself justifies the effort. If I know that you're going to show up, it's more likely that I'll show up the next time.
I'm hoping that it won't be too long before we hit the streets with the parking petition. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't even come the door these days for various reasons, so I'll try to email or do leaflets a few days before to remind people that we'll be coming over. Please open your doors when we knock. That's a good start.
If you want to be added to the email list, please leave a comment in the "Comments" space below. And tell your neighbors.
Important meeting this Thursday night...
There will be a Disaster Preparedness Community Meeting on Thursday, June 1st at
Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Free emergency preparedness starter kit per family plus QuakeHold Museum Putty. This is part of a citywide effort to prepare every community for any disaster.
Speakers from the FBI, L.A. Fire and Police Departments will offer survival techniques to help you and your family prepare for earthquakes, fires, and terrorist attacks. We need to be prepared to survive on our own, as outside help might not be available. Please plan to attend and please tell your neighbors.
Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Free emergency preparedness starter kit per family plus QuakeHold Museum Putty. This is part of a citywide effort to prepare every community for any disaster.
Speakers from the FBI, L.A. Fire and Police Departments will offer survival techniques to help you and your family prepare for earthquakes, fires, and terrorist attacks. We need to be prepared to survive on our own, as outside help might not be available. Please plan to attend and please tell your neighbors.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Resident jpink brings up an interesting point in his comment below...this is not just about parking, it's about how we view our neighborhood. No one is going to do this, or anything else, for us. (As you see, we've heard sweet nothing from the councilman's office for almost two months.) This is really about compromise, and the very essense of democracy. If we all agree that we want to make a change, let's not let the details get in the way.
I will be emailing and posting when we walk the parking petition. Please open your doors, and let's get behind this. And let's hear about other ideas for the neighborhood while we're at it.
I will be emailing and posting when we walk the parking petition. Please open your doors, and let's get behind this. And let's hear about other ideas for the neighborhood while we're at it.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
More on parking (moron parking?)
Here's the new info: We must get 50% of residents on both sides of the street (Louise) to sign the petition in order to get it considered. Maritza, who has done all of the real work on this so far, has already gotten a flat turndown from one homeowner on the west side of Louise. He doesn't want to lose his parking privilege, no matter what. This is certainly a defensable position, but we all have to be willing to give something up in order to get something better.
Once again, if there is to be no compromise, this is a total waste of time for all concerned, so please think about this carefully. This blog is a great place to vent and raise questions, which hardly anyone is doing. Please participte; this is how changes get made.
Once again, if there is to be no compromise, this is a total waste of time for all concerned, so please think about this carefully. This blog is a great place to vent and raise questions, which hardly anyone is doing. Please participte; this is how changes get made.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
As of this morning, suspected dumpster divers on Babbitt Ave. were in custody, along with their truck brimming with our recycling. Nice work by LAPD.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Dumpster divers
I spoke today with our SLO, Officer Trulik. His captain is very concerned about the trash pickers working our recycling containers on Thursday. In fact, there is concern at higher levels: in 2003 this pilfering cost the city of Los Angeles over $12 million, and action on this has become a priority issue. Who knew?
The SLO will be working on this in a major way. He has asked us to call him (818 731.2572) if we see illegal activity around the recycling bins on trash day, and he will be on the street looking to make arrests.
The SLO will be working on this in a major way. He has asked us to call him (818 731.2572) if we see illegal activity around the recycling bins on trash day, and he will be on the street looking to make arrests.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Parking, part 2
I was going to post a reply to jpink's comment below, but I thought it deserved a full post. Two ideas:
- Here's the thing: we need to put something in motion now or the whole idea of neighborhood action will wither away for us. Let's get this going and then see if there's enough political will to go farther. It's important to act while we feel united. Even if we only achieve an imperfect solution, we've proved that we can act in concert.
- Or - Here's the thing: this solution resolves the problem but not well; no one's needs are ultimately met by a short-term compromise. We need to have another community meeting on this issue only. We need to decide if we want to fight city hall and insist on different parking restriction on either side of Louise.
Parking News
The petition for getting parking restrictions on Louise is, finally, in hand. The city will require signatures from the majority of property owners on both sides of the street -i.e. people who live on LaSaine and on Babbitt- so we will need to reach a consensus on what we want to put in place.
The city requires the same restriction on both sides of the street. Since the LaSaine (west side of Louise) residents have access to their homes from Louise, they have, understandably, different needs. At the March meeting, several Babbitt residents brought up the issue of poolside and backyard privacy during the day, mentioning the prying eyes of truckers and city workers in their high-cabbed vehicles
A "No Parking" zone between, say, 7PM and 7AM would seem a likely compromise: this lets residents on LaSaine use their side of Louise to park during the day when they might be using their garage for other projects or need vehicle access to their backyards, and also advances privacy, security and a measure (at least) of quiet for both Babbitt and LaSaine residents during nightime hours. This soulution, does not address, unfortunately, the daytime privacy issue.
Let's see some chatter in the "comments" section below about this. Shall we take what we can get most easily, or is there another possible solution? I suppose we might be able to wrestle the city into approving separate restrictions on each side, but this seems like both a long shot and a guarantee that nothing would happen for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
Please speak up.
The city requires the same restriction on both sides of the street. Since the LaSaine (west side of Louise) residents have access to their homes from Louise, they have, understandably, different needs. At the March meeting, several Babbitt residents brought up the issue of poolside and backyard privacy during the day, mentioning the prying eyes of truckers and city workers in their high-cabbed vehicles
A "No Parking" zone between, say, 7PM and 7AM would seem a likely compromise: this lets residents on LaSaine use their side of Louise to park during the day when they might be using their garage for other projects or need vehicle access to their backyards, and also advances privacy, security and a measure (at least) of quiet for both Babbitt and LaSaine residents during nightime hours. This soulution, does not address, unfortunately, the daytime privacy issue.
Let's see some chatter in the "comments" section below about this. Shall we take what we can get most easily, or is there another possible solution? I suppose we might be able to wrestle the city into approving separate restrictions on each side, but this seems like both a long shot and a guarantee that nothing would happen for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
Please speak up.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Has anyone noticed...
...a sure indicator of economic uncertainty: along with no-money-down real estate scams, there are, once again, men going through the recycling on trash day as there were in the late 'eighties/early 'nineties. The difference now is the added spector of identitiy theft. I'll be talking to the SLO about this tomorrow though I don't know if it's really a law-enforcement problem. Personally, I don't begrudge the trashpickers whatever recycling they can find to sell, though it's a little creepy, but I really don't want them reading my mail, or getting my bank info. I shred - what do you do?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Hit the roads
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Who's Out There?
Back from a short road trip, the encinoblogger got one suportive email. We'd like to see more of those, not for the strokes (though those are nice) but just to know that someone's reading this. More than that, we'd like to see others on this site. You can - you should - email me for the deets as to how to do this. It's not hard to do; you don't have to be a super geek, and it's fun. And, as Arthur said, isn't fun the best thing to have? (I love this film.)
Get the mailer from the Encino Neighborhood Council? I did. It seems that there's an election approaching for seats on said council. Seems like someone from Encino Village should be part of this, though the seats are structured (I think) oddly - represenatives from various interest groups, not residential districts. I've added a link to their site in the links table below, or simply go here: www.encinocouncil.org.
I hope to have progress report tomorrow re: the parking situation on Louise. Meanwhile, the car alarm from hell appears to have stopped. Props to SLO Trulick for this one. The encinoblogger requires his sleep and his quiet Sunday mornings for MTP.
Get the mailer from the Encino Neighborhood Council? I did. It seems that there's an election approaching for seats on said council. Seems like someone from Encino Village should be part of this, though the seats are structured (I think) oddly - represenatives from various interest groups, not residential districts. I've added a link to their site in the links table below, or simply go here: www.encinocouncil.org.
I hope to have progress report tomorrow re: the parking situation on Louise. Meanwhile, the car alarm from hell appears to have stopped. Props to SLO Trulick for this one. The encinoblogger requires his sleep and his quiet Sunday mornings for MTP.
Monday, April 03, 2006
The last I heard (last week) was that the parking petition was on the way from the council office. There are volunteers to take it around, but we could always use more. Email me or use the "comments" tab below to speak up.
I haven't heard the truck alarm in several days. It would be great if that was over for good.
Please speak up if you're reading this.
I haven't heard the truck alarm in several days. It would be great if that was over for good.
Please speak up if you're reading this.
Friday, March 31, 2006
From Councilman Smith's office...
I got this email from John Bwarie...
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to let you know that
there are 2 big projects that I'm working on that are coming up next
week in the 12th District; both are unique to the City of Los Angeles.
Councilman Smith is working with community groups and individuals to
host these events in order to improve the quality of life in for the
people of not just the 12th District, but all of Los Angeles.
I hope you'll be able to participate in one or both, regardless of
where you live or work. I think this is especially true for the
Instrument Drive (1A below)
1. MusicLA! Day
No matter where you live, you can make a difference with this event.
Councilman Smith, in conjunction with the Department Cultural Affairs,
is hosting MusicLA! Day in the northwest Valley on Saturday, April 8th
from 11am to 3pm in Northridge. This FREE event has two components:
A. Musical Instrument Drive: if you have an old guitar, flute, violin,
keyboards, Cellos, etc. (no pianos, though!), drop them off at the event
as a tax deductible donation. (Please contact me if you'd like to donate
an instrument but cannot make the event.)
B. Music Education Festival: Musicals, Workshops, Festival Drums by
Remo, performances, food, free giveaways & prizes, and more! This
family festival is not to miss!
For more information, exact location, & other details, click or paste
into your browser the following link:
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Who we are
After looking over the sign-in sheets from the meeting at Emeilita St. School, some conclusions about who we are:
I've emailed all who left their email address. Let's see some comments, at least, and especially let's see someone else posting. Just email me and I'll tell you how.
- A lot of us live on Lasaine; maybe "Encino Village" is too specific a term for this blog.
- Of twenty people that signed in, eight did not leave, or do not have, an email address.
- Nine people didn't leave a phone number.
- Two people came from Louise Ave on the 4200 and 4300 blocks. Welcome.
I've emailed all who left their email address. Let's see some comments, at least, and especially let's see someone else posting. Just email me and I'll tell you how.
Could it be?
I was out of town most of yesterday, but I didn't hear the alarm in the morning, and not so far this morning. This is the first time in months that it's been silent for a whole day. Could it be that our long nightmare is over? If so, I thanks to everyone who has called the SLO and the WV Division about this.
See what happens when we get together?
See what happens when we get together?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Rainy days and Tuesdays

It's spring, and a young man's fancy turns to flooded streets: why does even the slightest bit of rain cause our Encino Village streets to totally flood?
You'd think we were living in Wyoming, or Louisiana; there's a river in front of my house; the water is six inches deep.
We were in car alarm hell this morning. Does anyone know where to buy spike strips?
I start every day with a look at LA Observed. The same blogger, author and former LA Times-man Kevin Roderick, writes The Valley Observed. Interesting history and current events here.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Welcome new readers
Glad to see we're getting some readers...now it's time to get involved and post. The SLO is on the job: cars were cited and, I believe, towed, yesterday (Sunday) and we had another conversation about the car alarm from hell. Things are moving.
Tell your neighbors about the blog and get them in the loop with all of this stuff. We can change our neighborhood.
Tell your neighbors about the blog and get them in the loop with all of this stuff. We can change our neighborhood.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
March alarm madness; new links
The alarm on the truck parked on Louise continues to go off with astounding regularity at all times of the day and night. At his request, I have called (SLO) officer Trulik each time to document the occurrence. Last night (Wednesday) he called me to say he was going to deal with it. He sounded convincing.
Still waiting to see someone else posting here...
This useful site (thanks to Barbara Hand) contains a lot of useful community and LAPD info. Much of it needs to be updated, but it's still a great service.
Still waiting to see someone else posting here...
This useful site (thanks to Barbara Hand) contains a lot of useful community and LAPD info. Much of it needs to be updated, but it's still a great service.
Citrus Sunday
Here's info from John Bearie in the city council office re: Citrus Sunday. Seems like a good cause.
Councilman Greig Smith
& the Valley Interfaith Council
Invite You to Join...
A fresh fruit drive to help the more than
130,000 San Fernando Valley residents living
without adequate, nutritious food.
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Pick the extra citrus fruit from trees in your yard
2. Put it in plastic bags
3. Drop it off at your local fire station (listed below)
The Valley Interfaith Council will then collect the fruit and
distribute it to the needy at local food banks.
April 9, 2006
8 am - 6pm
Deliver your freshly picked (or purchased) Citrus Fruit to the following Fire
Stations in the Northwest Valley:
Encino: Station 83
Northridge: Stations 70 or 103
West Hills: Station 106
Sherman Oaks: Station 88
North Hills: Station 87
Winnetka: Station 104
Granada Hills: Station 18
Chatsworth: Stations 96 or 107
Porter Ranch: Stations 8 or 28
West Van Nuys/Lake Balboa: Station 100
* For locations & directions, go to: http://lafd.org/fsloc.htm
Brought to you by
Councilman Greig Smith, The Valley Interfaith Council, & The Los Angeles Fire Department
Councilman Greig Smith
& the Valley Interfaith Council
Invite You to Join...
A fresh fruit drive to help the more than
130,000 San Fernando Valley residents living
without adequate, nutritious food.
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Pick the extra citrus fruit from trees in your yard
2. Put it in plastic bags
3. Drop it off at your local fire station (listed below)
The Valley Interfaith Council will then collect the fruit and
distribute it to the needy at local food banks.
April 9, 2006
8 am - 6pm
Deliver your freshly picked (or purchased) Citrus Fruit to the following Fire
Stations in the Northwest Valley:
Encino: Station 83
Northridge: Stations 70 or 103
West Hills: Station 106
Sherman Oaks: Station 88
North Hills: Station 87
Winnetka: Station 104
Granada Hills: Station 18
Chatsworth: Stations 96 or 107
Porter Ranch: Stations 8 or 28
West Van Nuys/Lake Balboa: Station 100
* For locations & directions, go to: http://lafd.org/fsloc.htm
Brought to you by
Councilman Greig Smith, The Valley Interfaith Council, & The Los Angeles Fire Department
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Here's the email address for correspondance about this blog: encinoblogger@gmail.com. If you want to post, email me at this address and I'll get the user name and password to you. Please contribute, either by posting or commenting.
I have heard today from John Bwarie in concilman Smith's office about the proper forms to petition the city for parking regs on Louise Ave.. He's looking into it, as is Maritza, so we're already making progress. We need to reach a consensus on exactly what we want to do, though, so let's start a dialog on this before we go in too many directions.
I have heard today from John Bwarie in concilman Smith's office about the proper forms to petition the city for parking regs on Louise Ave.. He's looking into it, as is Maritza, so we're already making progress. We need to reach a consensus on exactly what we want to do, though, so let's start a dialog on this before we go in too many directions.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
First Post

Welcome to Electric Encino, the blog for Encino Village. This isn't my blog; it's for all of us who attended tonight's meeting, and anyone else in the neighborhood who wants to post info, ask or answer a question, vent (politely; no flaming please, or I'll take down the blog), and otherwise get the word out - whatever the word is. I'm hoping this will also be a vehicle for Councilman Smith's office and our SLO to keep us informed and alert.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the "comments" section below; that's the most immediate way to participate. Posting is easy: anyone who wants to post is welcome to do so. When I get a minute, I'll set up an email address for correspondance about the blog. Meanwhile, anyone who wants to post should contact me (here's a link to my email) for the password and go to it. (Update: the link now points to the email address I set up: encinoblogger@gmail.com.)
Since it's my soapbox right now, I'm just gonna say this: I hope that the energy that we all had tonight at the meeting can go forward and create a lasting neighborhood bond. In my time in Encino Village, I've seen other efforts to build a community here fail: other SLOs have come and gone; other bright young city council reps have drifted off to the service of more unified and vocal neighborhood associations. Let's keep this going, and try to do one small thing first; parking regulation on Louise is a good place to start. If we can see that through, then we'll do one more thing, and then another. After a while, we'll have built a neighborhood.
Good evening.
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